Q. If someone participate these contest as a SOLP CW only or SSB only, He/She can get maximum 810 points (900*0.9) and compared to top score, regardless of HP or LP or He/She can get maximum 729 points (900*0.9*0.9) and compared to top score of CW/SSB LP?
There are two parts to the answer:
1) The score multiplier is only applied once. A Single-Mode entry is 0.9 x the maximum points, so for both RDXC and IARU, this is 810 points max.
2) Please see section 5 of http://wrtc2014.org/team-selection/
A Single Mode LP score is compared only against other Single Mode LP and SO AB QRP scores. A Single Mode HP score is compared against scores in categories 6 through 10 on the Category Order listing. (Single Mode QRP scores are lumped in with Single Mode LP scores.)
Please direct any questions to selection@wrtc2014.org.