How are scores from the Russian DX Contest handled that do not meet the rule...
The Russian DX Contest Committee recently announced a rule change effective with this coming weekend’s RDXC. Specifically, in order to qualify for an award, logs must be submitted within 36 hours and...
View ArticleI have a question about event score calculation for MIXED mode contest, e.g....
Q. If someone participate these contest as a SOLP CW only or SSB only, He/She can get maximum 810 points (900*0.9) and compared to top score, regardless of HP or LP or He/She can get maximum 729 points...
View ArticlePoints for M/S and SO entrants in same region
Q: If a M/S (2 ops) station scores 4m points, and a SOAB HP op. scores 3.8m points, and both stations are within the same competing region, and both stations earned the highest scores in their...
View ArticleWhat are Sponsored Teams
Q: What are Sponsored Teams? Sponsored Teams are selected by individuals or organizations that have made a significant donation to WRTC2014. A Team Sponsor may choose to be one of the operators, or may...
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